TBI Survivor Blog Series 2022 - Do You Believe in Synchronicity?

Do You Believe in Synchronicity?

Early this morning I found a memory on my Facebook page,  this message was written on August 30th, 2017 a few months after I moved solo. At that time, I was still affected with debilitating post-concussion symptoms. A multitude of emotions/feelings were agitating my whole being.

I WANT TO REPRESENT POSSIBILITIES, was the message I wrote on this second last day of August… 

What happened to me lately has been beyond what I can ever imagine. Trusting myself and being grateful for everything & everyone in my life brought magical opportunities to manifest it’s beauty.

The sentence I WANT TO REPRESENT POSSIBILITIES is exactly what I decided to follow and to be my guide as I made my way as a middle aged woman who has never lived solo and was by far seeing this new chapter as a possibility to successfully create something fabulous.

 6 years later, I am reflecting on the possibilities that arise one after one as I learn a few life’s principles.

Possibilities are there for everyone including me.

There’s infinite possibilities to create my life differently now that I understand I am the sole governor of my destiny.

So much possibility to learn about myself..

Countless possibilities to explore the world around me and in me..

Possibilities to slow down and to observe what is important for me now, today, tomorrow and after tomorrow..

So many possibilities to continue to heal and to recover from the physical discomforts, emotional disturbances and cognitive inabilities I inherited from having a mild Traumatic Brain Injury…

Possibilities to discover so many inner gifts…

Possibilities to edit my life over and over again..

Possibilities to go on adventures and to have fun..

Possibilities to focus on what I really want and to acknowledge what I don’t want..

Possibilities to fall in love again; to love and be loved.

Possibilities to dream and follow my heart..

Possibilities to take risks, to make mistakes and to fail without abandoning myself…

Possibilities to soften, to expand and blossom..

Possibilities to take space, to hold space for my dreams, my truth and my passionate desires..

Possibilities are infinite, just like us..

I often remind myself I am open to what I don’t know yet.. Possibilities, opportunities and serendipity included!

I am curious. What possibilities are you seeing for yourself?

*You can follow me on Instagram at Standingbyyourside65 where I share stories, sharing insights about living a beautiful life & meaningful life 9 years after having a Traumatic Brain Injury from a cycling accident.

France Theriault


TBI Survivor Blog Series 2022 - Be Patient


TBI Survivor Blog Series 2022 - Never Forget How Wildly Capable You Are